The subject of inclusion and ethics in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been raised often in recent months. At an “AI for Good” online seminar organised yesterday by the Geneva-based International Telecommunications Union, panellists representing women and girls from several regions in the world discussed what it would take to make AI equitable.
Evidence shows that systemic gender biases in AI will continue to be perpetuated unless girls and women are involved in the design of AI. But this is easier said than done. As Patty Alleman of UNICEF, who moderated the session, reminded the participants, while 35 per cent of men studying science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in tertiary institutions go on to pursue STEM careers, the proportion is only 18 per cent for women. And the seeds for these differences are sowed in childhood, remarked Alisha Arora, another speaker in the session.
By Achintya Rao
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