  • United Arab Emirates
  • Mon - Sat (8.00 - 6.00)

Research Papers

  • All
  • Invariant Subspace Attack
  • Linear Cryptanalysis
  • Serology
  • Statistical Saturation Attack
  • Truncated Differentials
Invariant Subspace Attack, Linear Cryptanalysis, Serology, Statistical Saturation Attack, Truncated Differentials

Memristor-based PUF for lightweight cryptographic randomness

Invariant Subspace Attack, Linear Cryptanalysis, Serology, Statistical Saturation Attack, Truncated Differentials

Lightweight Two-Factor-Based User Authentication Protocol for IoT-Enabled Healthcare Ecosystem in Quantum Computing

Invariant Subspace Attack, Linear Cryptanalysis, Serology, Statistical Saturation Attack, Truncated Differentials

Blockchain applied to the construction supply chain: A case study with threat model

Invariant Subspace Attack, Linear Cryptanalysis, Serology, Statistical Saturation Attack, Truncated Differentials

MAVPro: ADS-B message verification for aviation security with minimal numbers of on-ground sensors

Invariant Subspace Attack, Linear Cryptanalysis, Serology, Statistical Saturation Attack, Truncated Differentials

A Cryptanalysis of PRINTcipher: The Invariant Subspace Attack