Privacy and Safety in the Metaverse
The metaverse is expected to reach a value of $1 trillion in the next three years, driven by rapid uptake and technologies like generative AI. Read The Paper Hoda AlKhzaimi et al. (and wef collaborators)
The metaverse is expected to reach a value of $1 trillion in the next three years, driven by rapid uptake and technologies like generative AI. Read The Paper Hoda AlKhzaimi et al. (and wef collaborators)
Quantum computing promises transformative simulation and modelling capabilities across a diverse range of industries. However, these advances in computational power will also introduce significant risks via the potential threat of disruption to some widely used encryption standards. While definitive timelines for both quantum computing applications and the associated quantum cybersecurity threats have not yet fully […]
The metaverse is coming: an immersive, interoperable and synchronous digital world that will change how we interact, work and play. Read The Paper Hoda AlKhzaimi et al. (and wef collaborators)
Sepsis remains a major challenge that necessitates improved approaches to enhance patient outcomes. This study explored the potential of Machine Learning (ML) techniques to bridge the gap between clinical data and gene expression information to better predict and understand sepsis. We discuss the application of ML algorithms, including neural networks, deep learning, and ensemble methods, […]
The next era of the internet is coming. The metaverse is an immersive, interoperable and synchronous digital world that will change how we interact, work and play. Read The Paper Hoda AlKhzaimi et al. (and wef collaborators)
The metaverse is projected to amass a staggering value of $1 trillion over the next three years, indicating rapid adoption and acceleration through technologies such as generative AI. Read The Paper Hoda AlKhzaimi et al. (and wef collaborators)
Sepsis is a major global health concern causing high morbidity and mortality rates. Our study utilized a Meningococcal Septic Shock (MSS) temporal dataset to investigate the correlation between gene expression (GE) changes and clinical features. The research used Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) to establish links between gene expression and clinical parameters in infants […]
In today’s fast-paced world, a new technology paradigm known as the Internet of Things (IoT) is advancing every business. It provides communication between the digital and physical worlds, transforming the way people do business quickly. The IoT is a network of physical objects (things) equipped with sensors, intelligent networking, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and other technologies […]
Cloud computing (CC) refers to the on-demand availability of network resources, particularly data storage and processing power, without requiring special or direct administration by users. CC, which just made its debut as a collection of public and private data centers, provides clients with a unified platform throughout the Internet. Cloud computing has revolutionized the world, […]
Federated Learning (FL) is a revolutionary privacy-preserving distributed learning framework that allows a small group of users to cooperatively build a machine-learning model using their own data locally. Smart cities are areas that can generate high volume and critical data, which has the potential to revolutionize federated learning. Nevertheless, it is highly challenging to select […]
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